Monday, April 18, 2011

1911 - Edna's Diaries

Standing James "Howard" Harriman and son Gilbert "Bert" Samuel Harriman
Seated: Edna Irene (Snow) Harriman
Looking at my grandfather Bert's face, I think photo was taken around 1911

Sunday January 1, 1911 – a rainy New Year. But how we need it. We went to church. Took dinner with Franks.

Monday January 2, 1911 – churned, baked, and kept up the house work.

Tuesday January 3, 1911 – Washed. Just heard that Ed Epperson’s mother is dead.

Wednesday January 4, 1911 – Ironed, and cleaned up cellar. Awful tired tonight.

Thursday January 5, 1911 – Don’t feel very well. Nothing extra, except the work.

Friday January 6, 1911 – Swept upstairs, and cleaned part of attic. Churned. Not very well.

Saturday January 7, 1911 – Finished cleaning and sweeping downstairs. Went to church meeting.

Sunday January 8, 1911 – At home. The wind is blowing something fierce. I think it will turn colder.

Monday January 9, 1911 – Baked, went up to Celia’s in forenoon. Came home and mended.

Tuesday January 10, 1911 – Washed and cleaned up house, general hoursework.

Wednesday January 11, 1911 – Churned, ironed, and mended. A bad day.

Thursday January 12, 1911 – A bad day. Went up to Franks for dinner, to Society [meeting] in the afternoon, Ma is President. Got the gas fixtures today.

Friday January 13, 1911 – A rainy day. Everything is ice and sleet. We got a lot of nice rain water.

Saturday January 14, 1911 – A bad day. Not raining. The sun has not shown for several days.

Sunday January 15, 1911 – Went to church and stayed at Franks for dinner. Wills were up to Franks today.

Monday January 16, 1911 – Churned and baked. The plumbers did not come. A bad day. Uncle Lock___ Bartlett died this morning.

Tuesday January 17, 1911 – Mr. Deuth and Farrell came today, and the work progressed well.

Wednesday January 18, 1911 – Mr. Deuth went to Davenport after the rest of the light fixtures. Went to funeral this morning.

Thursday January 19, 1911 – Finished the rest of the house and we are so glad.

Friday January 20, 1911 – Men went home to Alexis. Done up the housework. Went to WCTU [Women’s Christian Temperance Union].

Saturday January 21, 1911 – Bert and I went to Galesburg to poultry show. Got home. Tired.

Sunday January 22, 1911 – Went to church. Franks were all here for dinner.

Monday January 23, 1911 – Washed, churned, and general housework. Louise and Gladys stayed all night.

Tuesday January 24, 1911 – Ironed. Howard started to move the kitchen. Cloudy day.

Wednesday January 25, 1911 – Rained and bad, so we couldn’t move [to] the [new] house.

Thursday January 26, 1911 – Worked at housework and went to Society [meeting] in the afternoon.

Friday January 27, 1911 – Went up town. Stopped at Franks for dinner. Came home and housework.

Saturday January 28, 1911 – General work. Moved papers into Attic. Got the house east [new house] as far as we went.

Sunday January 29, 1911 – At home. There is no Sunday School or Church on account of Scarlet Fever.

Monday January 30, 191 – Ironed, baked. A nice day. Went up to Mrs. Waters.

Tuesday February 1, 1911 – a nice day. Cleaned up some and general housework.

Thursday February 2, 1911 – A fine day. Mr. And Mrs. John Locklin were here and spent the afternoon.

Friday February 3, 1911 – We butchered four hogs. Will, Fay, helped Howard. Louise and Gladys came for dinner. I’m not very well.

Saturday February 4, 1911 – Mother Celia and Clark and Howard were here. We got our meat put away and some lard rendered.

Sunday February 5, 1911 – We went to church and came home in a storm. First snow storm and glad we are home and comfortable.

Monday February 6, 1911 – Finished rendering lard and general house work.

Tuesday February 7, 1911 – Washed and baked. A nice day.

Wednesday February 8, 1911 – Ironed and cleaned up house. Nice day.

Thursday February 9, 1911 – Went up to Celia’s to Society [meeting]. We tied a comfort [comforter] for Ma. Ma rented the town place to Otis Adams today.

Friday February 10, 1911 – House cleaning up and baking. Celia is sick today.

Saturday February 11, 1911 – Done up Saturday work and talked to Kate Shumaker.

Sunday February 12, 1911 – Howard and I went up to Alpha. Jennie is not very well. Had a good visit with Kate.

Monday – February 13, 1911 – Washed and started bread. A bad day. Howard still tearing down the old house.

Tuesday – February 14, 1911 – Ironed, baked bread and fixed floor in hen house. Tired.

Wednesday February 15, 1911 – Done up work and called on Wills folks. Madye came over to see the house and rug.

Thursday February 16, 1911 – A rainy day. Went over to Will Roberts. They postponed the sale.

Friday February 17, 1911 – Churned and went up and helped Ma pack her things. Pa has been dead three years today.
Saturday February 18, 1911 – Cleaned up house and mended and Saturday work.

Sunday February 19, 1911 – Walked to church and stayed at Franks for dinner. Snowing.

Monday February 20, 1911 – Washed and baked. A nice day. Am tired this evening.

Tuesday February 21, 1911 – Ironed, churned, and general housework.

Wednesday February 22, 1911 – General work. Sewing. A nice day.

Thursday February 23, 1911 – General work. Went to Society [meeting] to Mrs. Rose this afternoon.

Friday February 24, 1911 – General work. Went to WCTU [Women’s Christian Temperance Union]   meeting to Mrs. Artz’s this afternoon.

Saturday February 25, 1911 – Done up Saturday work, cleaned hen house. A nice day.

Sunday February 26, 1911 – Went to church and took dinner with Franks. A bad day.

Monday February 27, 1911 – Washed and done house work. A nice day.

Tuesday February 28, 1911 – Ironed. Went up town in afternoon.

Wednesday March 1, 1911 – Stayed home and sewed. Not feeling well today.

Thursday March 2, 1911 – General housework. A nice day.

Friday March 3, 1911 – At home cleaning up house and baking for Sunday.

Saturday March 4, 1911 – A nice day. Vineyard grape vines. Mother is here.

Sunday March 5, 1911 – Mr. Stabler is here and thinks our house fine.

Monday March 6, 1911 – Done up work and helped Franks move up to corners.

Tuesday March 7, 1911 – A stormy day. I went up to the corners and worked.

Wednesday March 8, 1911 – Spent the day helping Ma get her things settled.

Thursday March 9, 1911 – Washed and general house work. A nice day.

Friday March 10, 1911 – Ironed and baked and cleaned up house.

Saturday March 11, 1911 – Finished cleaning up for Sunday. Went to Rio afternoon. Gladys Arnold was operated on today.

Sunday March 12, 1911 – A stormy day. Snowing and sleeting. At home trying to rest.

Monday March 13, 1911 – Washed and general house work. Went to corners afternoon.

Tuesday March 14, 1911 – Mother, Celia and I went down to Asa Fritz’s for dinner. The class met. Will, Frank, and Howard went to Chicago tonight.

Wednesday March 15, 1911 – A cold windy day. Ironed and went over to Wills in the afternoon.

Thursday March 16, 1911 - Howard got back from Chicago. The cattle did not ours until afternoon. [I don’t understand the sentence].

Friday March 17, 1911 – Cleaned out hen house and done up work. Mother came this afternoon.

Saturday March 18, 1911 – Done up Saturday work and baked. A nice day.

Sunday March 19, 1911 – Went to church. Stayed at Franks for dinner.

Monday March 20, 1911 – A nice day. Went up to Waters in afternoon.

Tuesday March 21, 1911 – Went to Galesburg and went to WCTU[Women’s Christian Temperance Union] meeting.

Wednesday March 22, 1911 – Started incubator and mended waists. A nice day.

Thursday March 23, 1911 – Washed and put eggs in incubator. Went up down to Aid Society.

Friday March 24, 1911 – Ironed, baked and swept upstairs. Tired.

Saturday March 25, 1911 – Done up Saturday work. Went up town and built chicken yard.

Sunday March 26, 1911 - Stayed at home. A rainy day. Lost one of the Orpington hens.

Monday March 27, 1911 – Stayed home. A stormy day. Snowing and blowing.

Tuesday March 28, 1911 – Churned, and sewing. I am not feeling well.

Wednesday March 29, 1911 – Fixed my white skirt and done the housework.

Thursday March 30, 1911 – Went up town in forenoon. Came home and sewed.

Friday March 31, 1911 – Swept up the front part of house. Went up town with Mrs. Waters and stayed at Susie’s

Saturday April 1, 1911 – A beautiful day. I done up Saturday’s work. Afternoon tried to build shed for the setter. Cleaned hen house.

Sunday April 2, 1911 - A stormy day. Thundering, lightening, snowing. Staying home and trying to keep my arm from aching.

Monday April 3, 1911 – A gloomy forenoon. Went up to Celia’s afternoon. Came home and found my incubator leaking. Tested eggs tonight.

Tuesday April 4, 1911 - A stormy day. Sent for X-ray incubator, to try it on trial. I don’t think I will do any more work on the old machine.

Wednesday April 5, 1911 – A cloudy day. Washed a two weeks of washing, baked cookies, and tried to sew this afternoon, but am tired.

Thursday April 6, 1911 – I am 32 years old today . A rainy cloudy fornoon. But trying to clear up this afternoon. Snowed until half pas 11 o’clock.

Friday April 7, 1911 – A fair day. Although I have seen nicer ones. Swipt [swiped] coat from Otis Adams upstairs, and went up to Waters. Howard brought home an old mare and she drwes [draws] fine.

Saturday April 8, 1911 – Done up Saturday work, and Bert and I went up town afternoon. Drove the new horse. So glad I didn’t have to walk. Howard finished sowing oats.

Sunday April 9, 1911 – A fine day. The telephone rang at 3:15 o’clock and said about 5:10 said that they succeeding in keeping the fire out, that Dr. Silcox’s office was burning. Howard went and got back of everything else. The office burnt down.

Monday April 10, 1911 – A bad day. I am sick with a cold. Not doing any work at all. Wills, Franks, and Mother was here yesterday.

Tuesday April 11, 1911 – Not feeling much better. A nice day. Howard trying to plow and so much to do. Hope we get done soon.

Wednesday April 12, 1911 – A cloudy, windy day. Machine hatching. Feeling better of cold, but not well yet. Rained this evening.

Thursday April 13, 1911 – A sultry morning, trying to rain again. Cistern off, and the Plymouth Rock eggs are good, is full and I am awfully glad. Took an old hen and chicken.

Friday April 14, 1911 – The incubator finished hatching and I reset it this afternoon. A nice day. Sweeping and baking for Sunday.

Saturday April 15, 1911 – Doing up Saturday work. A terrible windy day. Bert and I went to town. And stopped to vote at election. Only Howard, I, and Wills there.

Sunday April 16, 1911 – A fine Easter. We went to church and Pheobe Tye came home with us. Didn’t have to operate on Gladys’ ear.

Monday April 17, 1911 – Got up early and got washing out by half past eight. Another hen hatching. These are doing fine.

Tuesday April 18, 1911 – Ironed baked. A bad windy day. Tired tonight.

Wednesday April 19, 1911 – Another windy day. Howard graded the yard and plowed garden this afternoon. Got potatoes, peas, lettuce, radishes, and onions planted.

Thursday April 20, 1911 – A nice day. Raked and finished grading the yard. Bert and I went up to see Ma. She has a new grape line. Mr. Deuth was here for supper. He and Howard went up to John Locklins.

Friday April 21, 1911 – A nice day. I swept, baked cakes and went to WCTU [Women’s Christian Temperance Union] meeting this afternoon. Mr. Slyter and Tom Henderson were here after dinner looking at the house.

Saturday April 22, 1911 – A nice morning. Bread baking and general work. Went up to class meeting in the evening.

Sunday April 23, 1911 – Went to church and stopped at Franks. Came home early. Linnie and Waters were here in the evening. Mother stayed all night.

Monday April 24, 1911 – A nice day. Got ready to go to Galesburg to musical entertainment. Had a good time. Got home 12:30 o’clock tonight.

Tuesday April 25, 1911 – A nice day. Cleaned yard and looked after chickens. Started my new machine today with goose eggs.

Wednesday April 26, 1911 – Washed and general house work. Don’t feel very well. Went up to mothers this afternoon. Tired tonight.

Thursday April 27, 1911 – Ironed and cleaned up house. Tired tonight. A nice day. The Galesburg depot burned this afternoon.

Friday April 28, 1911 – Swept upstairs. Went to town this afternoon. Mother came home with me and stayed all night.

Saturday April 29, 1911 – Mother is here making her waist. I doen up Saturday work. Celia, Mother and I went up to church this afternoon to practice for WCTU.

Sunday April 30, 1911 – A rainy day. Think we will go up to corner for dinner.

Monday May 1, 1911 – A nice day. I churned and cleaned attic, and general house work.

Tuesday May 2, 1911 – Went to Mr. Almgreen’s funeral and sang. Left Bert to bake bread. Washed after dinner. A nice day.

Wednesday May 3, 1911 – Ironed and baked. Worked at hen coop this afternoon. A pretty day.

Thursday May 4, 1911 – Worked at hen house. Mother and I went to Society. Went ot Lillie Landon’s to practice with Mrs. Littlefield to sing tonight at the contest.

Friday May 5, 1911 – Sweeping, dusting and working outdoors. Mr. Deuth and Mr. And Mrs. Grieves were here to see the house.

Saturday May 6, 1911 – General house work. Bert and I went up town in the afternoon. A nice day.

Sunday May 7, 1911 – A fine day. Went to church and after dinner Franks and us went to timber. Floyd Waters came to the house this morning. He has been in Iron City for sometime.

Monday May 8, 1911 – A fine day. Set my plants out and worked in the garden. Awful tired tonight.

Tuesday May 9, 1911 – Washed and went up to the corners this afternoon. The wind is blowing something fierce.

Wednesday May 10, 1911 – A hot windy day. I don’t feel well tonight. The weather has been so bad. Ironed and general work.

Thursday May 11, 1911 – Commenced cleaning house today and am tired tonight. We need rain badly.

Friday May 12, 1911 – A sultry day. Cleaned north yard and hen houses and baking and general house work. Mr. William Van Guilder died at 8:15 o’clock this evening.

Saturday May 13, 1911 – General Saturday work. A cooler day. The prediction is rain and we sure need it.

Sunday May 14, 1911 – This is Mother’s Day. Went to church in forenoon and then I sang at Van Guilder funeral.

Monday May 15, 1911 – A sultry day. Cleaning house and baking. Did not try to wash.

Tuesday May 16, 1911 - Washed and general house work. Went up to Society in the afternoon. A windy day.

Wednesday May 17, 1911 – A terrible hot day. Cleaning my dining room rug today and awful tired and lame.

Thursday May 18, 1911 – Ironed and general house work. A terrible windy day.

Friday May 19, 1911 – Another fierce day. Baking and went up to WCTU [Women’s Christian Temperance Union] meeting this afternoon. Rained last night.

Saturday May 20, 1911 – General house work. Went up town and helped at the church. The supper was not very well attended.

Sunday May 21, 1911 – A rainy day. Went up to Franks to finish putting away the strawberries. 16 quarts.

Monday May 22, 1911 – A cloudy morning, doing housework. Just heard that Will Gabheart killed himself yesterday.

Tuesday May 23, 1911 – Mr. Deuth is here. Did get the engine to work. My chickens are hatching fine.

Wednesday May 24, 1911 – A nice day, not feeling very well. Our 13th anniversary.

Thursday May 25, 1911 – Busy with house work. Hoeing in garden. A windy hot day.

Friday May 26, 1911 – Another hot day. Washed and Mr. Deuth and an engine inspector were here and Will Farrell brought another engine up and replaced the other. It works dandy. Spent the day ironing, dusting and baking.

Saturday May 27, 1911 – A terrible hot day. Howard finished plowing the ten acre piece two times today.

Sunday May 28, 1911 – A cooler day. We went down to Charles Nelson’s today. Mother stopped off on her way back from Galesburg. Raining tonight. [Mother] came home with us this evening.

Monday May 29, 1911 – A hot day. Baked and general house work. Did not try to wash.

Tuesday May 30, 1911 – A windy day. Went up to decoration excerises this afternoon. A terrible hot day.

Wednesday May 31, 1911 – Washed and baked. A windy day.

Thursday June 1, 1911 – Ironed and baked. A crowd came up [from] Knoxville to see the house and plumbing work.

Friday June 2, 1911 – A stormy day. A nice rain this afternoon. Went to town and stopped at the corners this afternoon.

Saturday June 3, 1911 – General house work, churned, baked and picked strawberries. Not ver well this afternoon. A terrible hot day.

Sunday June 4, 1911 – Children’s Day. We went to church and heard the sinigng and speaking. Mother is here.

Edna's mother, Martha Melinda (Sperry) Snow
taken at the new house
Monday June 5, 1911 – Washed and got ready for painter. A warm day.

Tuesday June 6, 1911 – Ironed, baked. Mr. Will Farrell came and fixed the pipe to engine.

Wednesday June 7, 1911 – Picked berries and got dinner for painters. Ed Epperson and Mr. Lewis are here.

Thursday June 8, 1911 – Ed went over to Wills and papered two rooms for them. Mr. Lewis is busy here. A warm day.

Friday June 9, 1911 – A terrible hot day. Picked berries, canned 3 quarts and made 10 glasses of jelly. Washed windows. Ed got through.

Saturday June 10, 1911 – General housework. Baking, washing windows, and getting ready for Sunday. A hot day.

Sunday June 11, 1911 – A hot day. Charles and Ruth and all of Franks Nelson’s folks were here today. Had a rain this evening.

Monday – June 12, 1911 – Washed and general work. Mother is here and not feeling very well. A windy day.

Tuesday June 13, 1911 – Ironed and baked. Made an apron for myself. A warm day.

Wednesday June 14, 1911 – A warm day. Cleaned house and baked cakes. Getting ready for tomorrow.

Thursday June 15, 1911 – A warm day. Froze two freezers of cream. The Ladies met this afternoon. About 35 were here. All seemed to like the house and enjoyed themselves. Word just came this afternoon to Louise Arnold of her Father’s death. Mother and I have been down, helping them get ready for the 6 o’clock train.

Friday June 16, 1911 – A sultry day. We got word yesterday that Aunt Sarah wanted Ma and Aunt Mill Wilson to come to Iowa. Mother did not go, but Aunt Millie and Uncle Dave went.

Saturday June 17, 1911 – A warm day. Churned and baked. Cleaned hen house and general house work. We went up to M.E. Supper this evening. A cold evening.

Sunday June 18, 1911 – A warmer day than yesterday. I am not feeling well. We went to church and heard Hoe Bell preach. I suppose they had a funeral today of Louise’s father.

Monday – June 19, 1911 – Washed, ironed and general housework. A hot day. Not feeling very well.

Tuesday June 20, 1911 – Went up to the corners and helped cook for hay hands. Mrs. Elzia Roberston died this afternoon.

Wednesday June 21, 1911 – Baked and got ready for hay hands. A hot day. They did not get through haying today.

Thursday June 22, 1911 – Had the men here for dinner. A hot day. Bert plowed corn this afternoon. Howard mowed hay for Will.

Friday – June 23, 1911 – Went to the funeral and sang. Came home and went over and helped Madye with the supper and dinner.

Saturday June 24, 1911 – Picked raspberries. Canned three quarts and churned, and general house work. A hot day.

Sunday June 25, 1911 – Canned three quarts of raspberries. Went to church. A close Sultry day. My how we need rain.

Monday June 26, 1911 – A hot day. Washed and ironed. Went up to take Ma up to Franks.

Tuesday June 27, 1911 – Canned raspberries and tried to keep cool. A terrible hot day. Just head that Aunt Sarah died this morning.

Wednesday June 28, 1911 – A hot day. Baked, mending and general house work. Went up to band concert tonight.

Thursday June 29, 1911 – Celia, Mother and I went to Henderson to funeral. A sultry day. Minnie Wilson came home with me. Got headache.

Friday June 30, 1911 – A hot day. Howard took Minnie to train. I canned raspberries. I was so tired I could hardly get about.

Saturday Juy 1, 1911 – Done up Saturday work and helped Celia cook for hay hands. Went up town tonight.

Sunday July 2, 1911 – A sultry day. We are at home trying to keep cool but impossible.

Monday July 3, 1911 – Washed. Went up to Franks to help with the hay. A terrible hot day. Had a sick spell.

Tuesday July 4, 1911 – Ironed and went over to Wills for dinner. A terrible day.

Wednesday July 5, 1911 – Another sultry hot day. Bert and I went over to Wills and got a few cherries.

Photo of Edna's brother William Douglas Snow with his son Robert Snow.  When Edna refers to Wills, she is referring to her brother Will, and when she writes "Wills" she's referring to her brother's home and his wife and children.  This is a detail from a family reunion photo--and from the age of the children in the photo I determine it was taken about 1900 in Rio, IL

Thursday July 6, 1911 – This morning at 3 o’clock it began raining. Just a small shower. Wish we had some more.

Friday July 7, 1911 – At home, trying to bake for the Band Suppper tonight. Canned 7 quarts of cherries. A hot day.

Saturday July 8, 1911 – Hot day. I am at home doing up Saturday work and cooking for oat cutting and shockieree.

Sunday July 9, 1911 – Went to church and Uncle Tom and Aunt Sophonia Epperson were here this afternoon. Trying to rain.

Monday July 10, 1911 - Washed and cleaned hen house. A warm day.

Tuesday July 11, 1911 – Ironed and general house work. Went up to corners this afternoon.

Question to Mary Jane:  Can you tell me what is "the corners".  I asked your brother Gale and he doesn't recollect.  Could the corners refer to Edna's sister's home (Celia and Frank Mead)?  Where did they live?  Was it Wesley Fritz place--that property sits on the corner just west of Rio--and not far from the old homestead farm, and the new house Edna and Howard built in 1910.  Send me an email and let me know.

Wednesday July 12, 1911 – Howard finished helping out Franks’s oats. A warm day. I cut out my dress.

Thursday July 13, 1911 - A warm day. Mended and went to Society afternoon.

Friday July 14, 1911 – Went to Galesburg with Wills folks. Got Bert a new suit. Some what tired tonight.

Saturday July 15, 1911 - Feeling burn. Trying to do up Saturday work and resting up after trip.

Sunday July 16, 1911 – Went to church. Stopped and got some apples at Franks. Otis Adams and wife and girl were here.

Monday July 17, 1911 – Canned 20 quarts of apples this forenoon. Went up to corners, helped get supper for threshers. Franks commended threshing this afternoon.

Tuesday July 18, 1911 – A cooler day. We are up to the corners helping finish threshing. Got done by noon.
Wednesday July 19, 1911 – Washed ad sewed and general house work. Trying to rest up after the work yesterday.

Thursday July 20, 1911 - Ironed and went up to Franks for dinner. Finished my green lawn dress. A cool day.

Friday July 21, 1911 – At home, sweeping, dusting and general work. Mother, Celia and I went down to Asa Fritz’s to WCTU [Women’s Christian Temperance Union] meeting. The North Henderson Union was there about 50 all together.

Saturday July 22, 1911 – Churning, baking and clean up house. Went up town in evening. Am tired tonight.

Sunday July 23, 1911 - We are having the nicest shower this morning, which we have needed for some time. I think we will stay home. Hope it will rain all day.

Monday July 24, 1911 – Washed, ironed and general house work. Tired tonight.

Tuesday July 25, 1911 – Finished ironing and baking. A cooler day. Celia has a birthday, 48. Wonder where I will be at that age.

Wednesday July 26, 1911 – A cloudy day. At home doing the general house work.

Thursday July 27, 1911 – a warm day. Bert and I fixed fence. I baked my cakes for threshers. Went to town for supplies.

Friday July 28, 1911 – Rained this morning and stopped the threshers until afternoon. They got through at Fred Fritz’s.

Saturday July 29, 1911 – It rained nearly all night last night. We can’t thresh until Monday. Tired tonight.

Sunday July 30, 1911 – At home trying to rest up for threshers tomorrow. Hope we can get done all right.

Monday July 31, 1911 – Finished threshing this forenoon. Got done about 2:15 o’clock with the wheat. Had a fine rain.

Tuesday August 1, 1911 – Washed and cleaned hen house. A nice day. Had callers, Mrs. Clara Fritz and her sister Milly Breckenridge.

Wednesday August 2, 1911 – A nice day. Ironed and cleaned up. Washed windows.

Thursday August 3, 1911 – A cloudy day. Clark came after me and went up to Celia’s. She was sick and Leo’s foot is bad.

Friday August 4, 1911 – A warm day. At home house work, and sweeping. Went to choir practice in the evening.

Saturday August 5, 1911 – A sultry day. At home doing Saturday work. Churning, etc. Tired in evening.

Sunday August 6, 1911 – A nice day. Went to church and heard the sermon on the Second Week. Expect to go tonight. Dr. Silcox went forward to reflect and was converted.

Monday August 7, 1911 – Washed and general house work. A tiresome day.

Tuesday August 8, 1911 – Ironed and baked in forenoon. Nearly roasted in the afternoon. Went to band concert in the evening.

Wednesday August 9, 1911 – A cooler day. Up to the corners helping make plum butter and jelly. Quite a storm came up.

Thursday August 10, 1911 – A terrible hot day. Howard started to make the side walk. Ma and I wet to Ladies Aid this afternoon. Not feeling well.

Friday August 11, 1911 – A nice cool day. Howard went to Galesburg. Went to choir practice in the evening.

Saturday August 12, 1911 – General house work. Had callers in the afternoon. Mrs. John Locklin and Lillie Landon and Julia Nelson and the news is Violet Hough came tonight and is up with Waters.

Sunday August 13, 1911 – Went to church today. Another hot day. Went to church this evening. F and Vi were there.

Monday August 14, 1911 – Washed, ironed, and general house work. The weather is hot.

Tuesday August 15, 1911 – Baked and got ready for picnic. Went to band concert in the evening.

Wednesday August 16, 1911 – Went to picnic and had a fine time. The Rio band played fine and they said there were between 5 and 6,000 people there.

Thursday August 17, 1911 – Trying to rest up after picnic. Violet came tonight.

Friday August 18, 1911 – Violet and I went up town and then went up to Walters after her dress. Went to choir practice.

Saturday August 19, 1911 – Doing the Saturday work this forenoon. Expect to go calling this afternoon. Mrs. Waters called and got the instruction book for _______.

Sunday August 20, 1911 – We went to church. Took Vi over to Wills for dinner. Milton Deathridge’s wife and daughter called this afternoon. We went to church this evening.

Monday August 21, 1911 – Washed, made grape jelly. A nice day. Went down to the surprise on Asa Fritz tonight.

Tuesday August 22, 1911 – Ironed, churned and went up to the corners. But did not make jelly. Going to band concert tonight.

Wednesday August 23, 1911 – Cooked apples and made 26 glasses of jelly. Howard put up the hitch racks today.

Thursday August 24, 1911 – a nice day. Mother and I went to Ladies Aid at Jessie Landon’s. We came down to Frays tonight.

Friday August 25, 1911 – Swept and done some of Saturday work. F and Vie went down to Linnie’s. I went to choir practice tonight.

Saturday August 26, 1911 – Doing Saturday work. Moved the college today. Went up to corners a short time. A nice day.

Sunday August 27, 1911 – Went to church. Stayed to Franks for dinner. A warm day.

Monday August 28, 1911 – Washed, cleaned house, baked. A cooler day.

Tuesday August 29, 1911 – Ironed and dusted. Went to band concert tonight. Mrs. Staebler and daughter for supper.

Wednesday August 30, 1911 – Did not go to Alpha. Went up to corners to see Mother. Frank Bartletts were here calling this afternoon.

Thursday August 31, 1911 – At home getting ready for corn shellers. Madye wants me to help her have dinner.

Friday September 1, 1911 – A hot day. We all went to SS picnic. Vie Hough and Wills wife were with us. Went to choir practice this evening.

Saturday September 2, 1911 – Another hot day. Doing Saturday work. Rev. Staebler is coming tonight.

Sunday September 3, 1911 – We went to church. Rev. Staebler and wife were here. It is a warm day, but turned cooler tonight.

Monday September 4, 1911 – We took the company to train. Washed in the afternoon. Tiresome day.

Tuesday September 5, 1911 – Ironed baked and general house work. Sick this afternoon. Howard commenced cutting his corn.

Wednesday September 6, 1911 – The men are busy cutting corn. Mother was here and spent the day. We had a fine rain and lots of lightening.

Thursday September 7, 1911 – A cloudy day. Went up and helped Ma put on a quilt at church. Am tired tonight.

Friday September 8, 1911 – At home canning peaches and general housework. We had a light shower tonight.

Saturday September 9, 1911 – A sultry day, cleaning hen house found some mites. And are sure having a time.

Sunday September 10, 1911 – At home canned a bushel of peaches. I hope I can get my cans all filled up. Franks folks and Ma were here for dinner.

Monday September 11, 1911 – Washed, sprayed hen house. Set tulips out and reset some of the plants in jars.

Tuesday September 12, 1911 – Ironed and sprayed the boxes that were in hen houses. I think if I keep on, we will get them.

Wednesday September 13, 1911 – Canned peaches and apples. Clean hen house. Trying to rain.

Thursday September 14, 1911 – At home. Sweeping and doing part of Saturday baking. Went up to the corner this afternoon. Mother went to Galesburg.

Friday September 15, 1911 – 1 year ago today, the carpenter began putting up the frame to the house. Baked and white-washed the hen house. Went to choir practice tonight.

Saturday September 16, 1911 – Done up Saturday work. Went up to home coming after dinner. Am tired tonight.

Sunday September 17, 1911 – Went to church. Mother came home with us. Will go to bed so I can get up early in the morning.

Monday September 18, 1911 – Canned 14 quarts of peaches and some tomatoes. That makes me 64 quarts of peaches.

Tuesday September 19, 1911 – Washed, iron and done general house work. Dr. Silcox and family and Mother in law were here calling. A beautiful day for the wedding.

Wednesday September 20, 1911 – A cloudy day. Went down to John Bloomfield. Went to WCTU[Women’s Christian Temperance Union]  in the afternoon. It is raining this evening.

Thursday September 21, 1911. A cool day. At home trying to get some of the extra work done. Took up my plants. Went down to Fays a little while.

Friday September 22, 1911 – A beautiful day. At home doing the sweeping. Cut out quilt blocks and went to choir practice tonight.

Saturday September 23, 1911 – Finished Saturday work. Pieced one stripe for my quilt.

Sunday September 24, 1911 – Went to church got caught in a rain. Did not go to church in evening. It rained. Mother came home with us tonight.

Monday September 25, 1911 – A bad day. Cut out my skirt and nearly finished it. Had to go to town and get more cloth. Made me a whole suit.

Tuesday September 26, 1911 – A cloudy day. Finished my dress and sewed on my black net waist.

Question about Edna's sewing a waist:  Is she referring to a waist coat?  I've heard the term before, but don't quite know what it means.  Is a waist coat just what it seems?  Is it a short fitted coat that ends at the waistline? 
Wednesday September 27, 1911 – A nice day at home trying to do my house work. Went to practice.

Thursday September 28, 1911 – A rainy day. Mending, sweeping and getting ready for tomorrow. Sewed on quilt.

Friday September 29, 1911 – A better day. We had a fine meeting at church. 22 delegates to the convention.

Saturday September 30, 1911 – At home finishing my general house work. Cleaned hen house and churned, baked etc. Raining again tonight.

Sunday October 1, 1911 – Went to church. Came home and had a headache all afternoon and evening. A bad day.

Monday October 2, 1911 – Washed and got dinner. Sick in the afternoon. A bad day.

Tuesday October 3, 1911 – Ironed and baked. Not feeling good. A better day. The sun is shining.

Wednesday October 4, 1911 – a bad day. Went up to corners and got some sweet apples. Canned 20 quarts.

Thursday October 5, 1911 – At home doing house work. A bad day. Went to Society afternoon.

Friday October 6, 1911 – A bad day. Got the pears today. Went up to corners and saw Mother.

Saturday October 7, 1911 – Done general house work. Went to town in the evening.

Sunday October 8, 1911 – A fine morning. Went to church. Came home and went up to timber. Went to church in the evening.

Monday October 9, 1911 – Washed and worked on quilt. Done general house work.

Tuesday October 10, 1911 – A nice day. Ironed and baked. Worked on quilt.

Wednesday October 11, 1911 – Bake bread. Went up to corners and picked apples. Mother is better. A fine day.

Thursday October 12, 1911 – Another dandy day. Busy cleaning up house and doing odd jobs.

Friday October 13, 1911 – A bad day. Working on quilt and house work. Baked some for Saturday.

Saturday October 14, 1911 – A nice day. Done Saturday work and went up to corners in the afternoon.

Sunday October 15, 1911 – Went to church. Mother came home with us. A nice day. Went up to Otis Adams and saw Mrs. Miller before church in evening.

Monday October 16, 1911 – I did not wash today. A cloudy day. Tried to clean house.

Tuesday October 17, 1911 – A cloudy day. Cleaned house. Baked.

Wednesday October 18, 1911 – Washed, cleaned house, baked and ironed. Made pickles

Thursday October 19, 1911 – Cleaned upstairs and went to Society in the afternoon. Rolled quilt twice.

Friday October 20, 1911 – A cloudy day. Baked for Sunday and went ot WCTU [Women’s Christian Temperance Union]  in the afternoon. Choir practice in the evening.

Saturday October 21, 1911 – Cleaned plants and done general Saturday work. Mr Sluyter was here overnight.

Sunday October 22, 1911 – Went to church. Ike Snow was down over Sunday. A nice day to begin with Berdiss.

Monday October 23, 1911 – Cleaned hall front room and bedrooms and closet today. Ike took dinner with us today. He went home. Howard commenced picking corn in the afternoon.

Tuesday October 24, 1911 – Cleaned dining room. Mr. Deuth and Mame were here for dinner. I went up to corner place and helped cook for corn shellers.

Wednesday October 25, 1911 – Washed, churned. Went down to Fays a while. The J.P. Swanson man brought my rug.

Thursday October 26, 1911 – Ironed cleaned pantry and kitchen. Am tired tonight. We saw the comet this morning. It is trying to rain.

Friday October 27, 1911 – Cleaned house and went up to corners afternoon. Am tired tonight. Went to choir practice

Saturday October 28, 1911 – Done Saturday hourse work. Cleaned hen house and baked. Went up town and got shoes.

Sunday October 29, 1911 – Went to church. Went to North Henderson. Saw M. Lungreen and he advised us about the clarinet.

Photo of Bert Harriman and cousin Clark Mead

Left: Edna's son Gilbert "Bert" Samuel Harriman, and Edna's sister Celia's son Clark Mead.  My grandfather Bert looks about 10 years old--my best guess is the photo was taken in 1908.

Edna's son Gilbert "Bert" Samuel Harriman in his band uniform.  In the background is their new home built in 1910.  I would say Bert is 14 years old in this photo--taken perhaps 1912.  He played the clarinet in many different bands.  A few years later, he played clarinet at the University of Illinois under the direction of a famous composer and adjunct professor, John Phillip Sousa. 

Monday October 30, 1911 – A rainy day. We are trying to do extra odd work. I helped dip the hogs. Ike Snow stayed all night.

Question: In the sentence above, what does Edna mean by the phrase, "I helped dip the hogs?"

Tuesday October 31, 1911 – A cloudy morning. Went to Galesburg. It turned off colder before night. Saw Mrs. Woolsey on the train.

Wednesday November 1, 1911 – A windy bad day. I am tired and not feeling very well. Tired from my trip yesterday.

Thursday November 2, 1911 – A sunshiny day. Done house work and walked up to Society. Nearly finished quilt. Went to choir practice in the evening.

Friday November 3, 1911 – A gloomy day. Baked cake and went to WCTU [Women’s Christian Temperance Union] meeting in the afternoon. They had quite a meeting. 22 were there.

Saturday November 4, 1911 – At home. Washed and done house work. Went down to see Louise. Her cold  about the same. Kind of cranky and I don’t know how I will feel by morning.

Sunday November 5, 1911 – A nice morning. Went to church and mother came home with us. Carrie and Blanch Fritz walked out there this afternoon. Minnie Wilson came up this evening. It is raining quite bad.

Monday November 6, 1911 – A stormy day. Ironed until 11:00 o’clock. Had a good visit with Minnie. Howard did not pick corn today.

Tuesday November 7, 1911 – Done up work. Minnie and I went up to Alpha. Had a good visit with Mrs. Clauson and others. Some folks went to Rock Island this morning. Looks kinds of suspicious.

Wednesday November 8, 1911 – A nice day. Baked and cleaned up the plants. Got an early dinner. And am going to rest a while. Ms. Mastin was here for supper.

Thursday November 9, 1911 – A bad day. Mother and Violet came this afternoon. Mother is going home with Violet tomorrow. Hope it will be a better day.

Friday November 10, 1911 – A gloomy day. Went to town with more chickens. Got my new roosters of [from] Mrs. Carson. Violet and Ma went to Zion City today.

Saturday November 11, 1911 – A sunshiny day, but windy. Howard is picking corn again. Done up work and fixed chicken fence. Mended and got supper.

Sunday November 12, 1911 – A cold windy day. Stayed at home. Canned 12 quarts of apples. Fixed closet in attic. Made candy, etc. The wind still blowing.

Monday November 13, 1911 – Washed, ironed and went up to the corners. Helped the girls. Had a shower on Mildred Johnson tonight. Celia cleaned the upstairs. A cold windy day.

Tuesday November 14, 1911 – A cloudy day. But comfortable. Got dinner and got a card from Mother saying she was all right. Went up and helped Celia clean 4 rooms at the Mansfield place.

Wednesday November 15, 1911 – Spent the morning baking. Went up to help Celia. Washed and cleaned pantry, hurt my thumb. Mildred Johnson is married to T. ______

I couldn't read handwriting--looks like "Mildren Johnson is married to T. Abel".  Difficult to read.  

Thursday November 16, 1911 – A stormy day. At home trying to clean up the house and get caught up with the work. Went to choir practice in the evening.

Friday November 17, 1911 - A bad day. Raining and snowing. I dusted and swept and mended. Am tired tonight. A stormy night. Mother came home tonight.

Saturday November 18, 1911 – A nice sunshiny morning, but windy. Trying to do the work. Baking, etc. I hope it will be a better day. Many [days] last week was.

Sunday November 19, 1911 – Went to church. It is snowing quite bad. We took dinner with Franks folks. Did not go to church in the evening.

Monday Nvoember 20, 1911 – Washed, got dinner. There are two extra men here picking this afternoon. It looks cloudy again.

Tuesday November 21, 1911 – Ironed. The men are busy picking corn. They will finish the south piece today. I got my apron cut out and basted.

Wednesday November 22, 1911 - I got made my apron. Got dinner and went over to see Mrs. Swanson. It is raining this afternoon and last night.

Thursday November 23, 1911 – A cloudy morning. The men are not picking this forenoon. Howard is putting the screens away. Bert is 13 years old today.

Friday November 24, 1911 – Done up house work and went up town in the afternoon. Louise and Gladys stopped on their way home from W. C. meeting. I did not go. A nice day.

Saturday November 25, 1911 – A fine day. Wept, dusted, scrubbed and cleaned chicken house. Berte and I went to Swanson’s after the hen turkeys.

Sunday November 26, 1911 – Another nice day. Howard and I went to church. The corn picker and Bert stayed. Got dinner. We have about 5 loads out yet.

Monday November 27, 1911 – A cloudy day. The men finished picking corn and we are glad. It has commenced to snow and blow.

Tuesday November 28, 1911 – A bad day. Snowing and drifting. I went up as fas as Franks and got to see Mother awhile. Howard was up town.

Wednesday November 29, 1911 – A sunshiny day, but cold. The two men that helped us pick corn left last night. I discovered one of my hen turkeys dead this morning and two of my yellow chickens.

Thursday November 30, 1911 – A nice Thanksgiving day. Went up and worked at the church all day. Had an awful crowd tonight. I am tired and sick.

December 1, 1911 – Another beautiful day. Swept upstairs and tended to flowers upstairs. Went up to church and helped clean up. Tired tonight.

Saturday December 2, 1911 – A fine day. Washed flowers, baked scrubbed and cleaned up for Sunday. Cut out an apron and finished all but buttons and button holes.

Sunday December 3, 1911 – A nice day. Howard and I went to church. Jennie Clauson came down and went to Franks for dinner. Wills folks came up in the afternoon.

Monday December 4, 1911 – A nice day, washed and scrubbed and made an apron in the afternoon. Am tired tonight.

Tuesday December 5, 1911 – Ironed until 11:30 o’clock. Made another apron after dinner. A beautiful day.

Wednesday December 6, 1911 – A nice day. Baked bread and cake made button holes in my aprons. Went up to the corners this afternoon. Churned after I got back.

Thursday December 7, 1911 – a cloudy day. Wills folks went to Galesburg. Howard and I went to town. Came back and stopped at Franks. Intend to go to choir practice tonight.

Friday December 8, 1911 – A cloudy day. Swept and baked. Made another apron. Went to WCTU [Women’s Christian Temperance Union] meeting down to Alex Hendersons.

Saturday December 9, 1911 – Done up Saturday work. Clean hen houses. Found 6 eggs. We went up town in the afternoon. Came home in the rain. A bad night.

Sunday December 10, 1911 – We went to church, but very nearly got blowed away coming home. It is turning colder tonight. Grandpa Mead is a little better tonight.

Monday December 11, 1911 – Today is Mike Rafferty’s Sales. Washed and baked bread. A nice day. Made Christmas presents in the afternoon.

Tuesday December 12, 1911 – Howard went to Galesburg and Knoxville today. I ironed and went up to Franks for dinner. A nice day.

Wednesday December 13, 1911 – A nice day. Went up to Franks and Celia sold me her white net waist. She couldn’t wear it. Went up to practice.

Thursday December 14, 1911 – A nice day. Went to Ladies Aid up to Anna Eppersons. Took Celia, Mother and Mrs. Hinchcliff. Went to choir practice this evening.

Friday December 15, 1911 - A nice day, but sloppy underfoot. Washed plants and copied my part of the Contata off. Am tired.

Saturday December 16, 1911 – Done up the work. Baked, and went to town after dinner. Sold my gander to Mrs. Frank Melton.

Sunday December 17, 1911 – At home. No services this morning on account of Fred Stegall funeral going this afternoon, to practice again.

Monday December 18, 1911 – A bad day. I did not wash today. Went to practice the Jeprhah Contata tonight.

Tuesday December 19, 1911 – Another gloomy day. Tired and sleepy. Made my velvet waist.

Wednesday December 20, 1911 – A cold day. Washed and sewed and baked. It is storming this afternoon.

Thursday December 21, 1911 – Churned and was called to Celia’s. Mother not well. Came home and ironed. Went to practice.

Friday December 22, 1911 – Baked and sweeping. Finished Christmas gifts and went up to church to practice.

Saturday December 23, 1911 – A nice day overhead. Cleaned, baked bread, cake and went up to Franks this afternoon and to [get] Christmas tree in the evening.

Sunday December 24, 1911 – A pretty day overhead. We went to church today. Mr. Bair from Aurora sang (Face to Face); a friend of Dr. Silcox.

Monday December 25, 1911 – A fine Christmas day. Berte and I went up to Waters this afternoon. Sim Dunn and Edna Fritz married this evening.

Tuesday December 26, 1911 – A bad day. Snowed last night and rained nearly all day. Turning colder this evening. Went to practice Contata.

Wednesday December 27, 1911 – A cold day, but clear. At home doing house work. Trying to finish my pillow case.

Thursday December 28, 1911 – A better day. Washed house plants and swept upstairs. No choir practice tonight.

Friday December 29, 1911 – A Cloudy day. Cleaned house, washed 6 windows, dusted and went up to practice Contata tonight.

Saturday December 30, 1911 – At home finished Saturday work. Went up to corners and got Mother’s gramaphone and case.

Sunday December 31, 1911 – A bad day, wind blowing and trying to snow. But cold as can be, the last day is come. We are at home, every body feeling fairly well.


  1. I had been wondering what edna was up to? My Aunt mentions fixing waists in her diaries too. I love how you can get the dates of when people died or a important event from the diaries. It has been so useful to me for my genealogy.
    Love seeing the pictures that correlate to the diary!

  2. Hi Ann,

    Did your Aunt speak of making tidies? I asked my mother what she thought of the term tidies--she thinks they coule be a chair hankie or doily to protect chair arms and the head/neck area of fabric chairs (from men's hair oil, general wear, etc.) I'd like to hear your thoughts.

    Thanks for taking the time to read Edna's diaries. Where can I find your posts about your Aunt? I'd like to link any of your websites to my websites. Let's put our heads together. We have much in common.

    Mrs. D

    Mrs. D

  3. Edna seems to be feeling poorly a lot. I wonder if that was common 100 years ago. She doesn't talk about her son much. If it was a modern day mom, her life would revolve around her kids, but in those days, a woman probably had too many chores to do, and the kids went off and did their own thing. Also, a lot of mention of death. As for the term "waist," I've heard it in reference to any top or blouse as well as waist-length jackets that went with a full suit of clothes. Blouses were called shirtwaists. I don't think they used the terms blouse or top. I also see that they celebrated Mother's Day! I didn't know that was such an old holiday.

    Fascinating read from your great grandma from a century ago! I enjoy learning history through the words of everyday people. :-)

