Friday, March 18, 2011

Threshing Time

This photo is marked Rio, Illinois 1893.

Photo Details--Left: Woman holding the baby appears to be Edna's Mother Martha Melinda (Sperry) Snow. I would imagine the baby could be Edna's sister's baby--Howard LeRoy Mead born Dec 1892. Edna's sister was Celia Lurena (Snow) Mead, wife of Franklin Mead. I believe the first gentlemen (left) sitting in the wagon is Franklin Mead. The thinner gentlemen to the right appears to be Edna's father--Gilbert Spencer Snow.

Above is Edna's brother in law--John William Harriman with the jerk line on the binder, Lebanon Missouri


  1. This post got my attention. My own great-grandparents, Leonard & Lilly Inman homesteaded in Lebanon Missouri. I remember visiting thier farm in 1965 when our family traveled from CA to VA.


  2. Wow, Gail! How long had your Inman ancestors homesteaded in Lebanon Missouri? Perhaps your relatives knew my relatives?? Can you tell me more about Leonard and Lily Inman. What was Lily's maiden name? Will you post something about them on your blog site?

    Thanks for stopping by and reading about Edna.

  3. Mrs. D. ~ I am not sure of that answer -- I know they homesteaded there prior to 1919 when my grandmother was born and I know they sold the homestead off after my Great grandfather died in the mid 1960's. I remember traveling across country and stopping and staying a few days with my grandgrandmother at the homestead farm when I was 5 - that would have been 1965. I can't imagine it would have been too big that everyone pretty much knew everyone -- small world :)

